Think about it. Fns excuse for losing that game was that they had internal problems. It’s been 2 years since then and fns hasn’t looked any better than they did against bilibili was it really an upset?
ButterflyEffect23 [#2]that's an 0/8
Deadass bro they haven’t got better ever since and have looked bad every game, was it really an upset if your bottom americas vs a top 5 china team
kfan4238173 [#4]Yeah it was like 7.5 odds
But nrg looked terrible at champs and still were as good as they are now, so was it really an upset?
darklord69 [#5]does this retard know what an upset is?
When a worse team with terrible odds (a new Chinese team at their first international) beats a way better team with talent (nrg with 4 titles winners and a top 3 smoke at the time)
elysxxm [#7]When a worse team with terrible odds (a new Chinese team at their first international) beats a way better team with talent (nrg with 4 titles winners and a top 3 smoke at the time)
so you answered your own question 💀
shrike- [#8]so you answered your own question 💀
But bililbi were a good team all along they’ve been top 4 china since their first champs so tell me is a top 4 china team beating a bottom Americas team a upset
elysxxm [#10]But bililbi were a good team all along they’ve been top 4 china since their first champs so tell me is a top 4 china team beating a bottom Americas team a upset
Ullyr [#9]lol it was never an upset they legit like beat nrg 2 0 twice no? so 4 0
Blg were just the better team nrg never looked good in the 3 years they have had fns besides maybe tokyo
elysxxm [#12]Blg were just the better team nrg never looked good in the 3 years they have had fns besides maybe tokyo
I mean tbf its just cause no one really know what china was capable of as a region. There's literally not much data on blg or the region as a whole.
elysxxm [#13]But bililbi have been m better than nrg since champs so how is it a upset
blg weren't expected to be better coming into champs, that is what makes it an upset