jinggg duelist
something initiator
mindfreak controller
d4v41 sentinel
forsaken flex/igl
please stop switching roles every 2 games wtf
Prontera [#4]Put something on flex. No more jett.
Jingg on duelists only.
Bench davai, find player who play sova/tejo/fade really well.
Forsaken sentinel only.
Mindfreak controller only.Kick alecs, put davai as a interim coach.
idk why u all people want to stick with same roaster but as a dieheart prx fan i want them to go bonkers in term of changes in team .
look at davai he is bad man 1 good game 3 bad games same goes to mindfreak . And dont ask about jing he has friendship contract or someone sextape but he is damm inconsistent duelist. And something is also shaky but only thing he is good recently is his aggresion . Only FORSAKEN deserves to be in roaster and something ( 50 % if they dont find some other good import ) .
FK off PRX Management .