If we can't save Team Liquid, let's at least try to save C9.
Everyone upvote.
Bench everyone except xeppaa and rebuild around him
Thats exactly the opposite of saving Clown9 buddy
not you responding seriously to a joke xd
are we magically supposed to know hes joking
Thats actually pretty obvious.
cause that worked the last 5 times
Xeppa fraud
-xeppa +bdog -mitch +stellar -neT +penny put Oxy on Senti
would be a start (with this they'd at least beat 2G)
you should be arrested for even suggesting oxy on sentinel lmao
hes good enough to adjust, and when you can get penny as a sacrificial lamb for oxy to bait
Never cook again holy shit.
-Immi as well Bring back mCe