Beautiful. Both games. So many doubted DRX and T1, too. Korea owns Pacific.
HYUNMIN vs. BuZz. I need it. We all need it.
t3xture, dambi, BuZz, Hyunmin all of these head to head against each other is gonna be cinema
DRX literally won to T2 team and yet u say they own pacific pipe down MF
I said Korea owns Pacific. Even if DRX lost that would hold true because NS are Korean… Some people on this website are way too pressed.
NS easily owns anything your country can field hhhhhhhh
Both games beautiful? It was entertaining, but it was hella sloppy from both sides. Especially PRX relied on Hero plays more. This was an average pacific game with chaos from both sides.
Drx looks like theyd 2-0 both t1 and prx
5 career paths for your average korean man kpop idol samsung employee esports player parasite main character defect to north korea
China clears