How do Kru get progressively worse every season and then lock in for champs, i thought this would be their breakout and they get top 4, i apolgise to any team i had losing to them in my pickems
kfan4238173 [#5]they needed saadhak. new half igl every season
keznit/mazino/shyy are a great trio to build from, they never have the right igl
they can still win, i think they win split but bind no clue
what happened to saadhak to kru?? wasnt that a leak and then he just randomly went to kc
cameran [#4]?? this is louds map pick chill out
kickoff matches ar emickey mouse, its just whoever dumps the most strats early on wins
shouldnt take this too much, and they arent getting worsealso hence why they become good later on, cuz its not these mickey mouse shit
i would chill if it wasnt just this game, they have dont this ever since i started watchign vct, 2023 they go 0-9 and then make champs, 2024 they lose to EG????? in kickoff and now they are losing to loud???
elysxxm [#7]i would chill if it wasnt just this game, they have dont this ever since i started watchign vct, 2023 they go 0-9 and then make champs, 2024 they lose to EG????? in kickoff and now they are losing to loud???
2023 cant blame them, yes they did sell games but they werent bad
just stupid mistakes and a lot of 11-13s and ot losses
and 2024 they had dawgemo so u cant blame them
but kru are the goats and theyll win in their map pick and decider anyways
cameran [#8]2023 cant blame them, yes they did sell games but they werent bad
just stupid mistakes and a lot of 11-13s and ot losses
and 2024 they had dawgemo so u cant blame thembut kru are the goats and theyll win in their map pick and decider anyways
eg didnt look that good in kickoff, it was stage 1 and 2 they locked in for. maybe kru can win. they usually make it close after maps like this but idk
cant help it, i had them top 4 and their selling