Americas/EMEA will fall off in the future if

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They don't invest in academy teams because they definitely all have the money if 2g can field one (I swear they have to be the most broke t1 org) I'm sure most can and they just don't also attitude tends to be worse here than apac regions but all this will happen like 5 more years from now


Didnt someone say that 2G has a huge sponser behind them?
Also if Cubert success in some terms maybe more NA teams will invest in academy teams, most SA teams have an academy team already so


It is inevitable that Asian teams will become the best in the world. Just like in LoL western teams will celebrate getting into international even playoffs.

H3ENnZ [#2]

Didnt someone say that 2G has a huge sponser behind them?
Also if Cubert success in some terms maybe more NA teams will invest in academy teams, most SA teams have an academy team already so

Really I guess I just don't know then we'll enough they're genuinely the only org currently in t1 I had 0 knowledge of before ascension so I assumed they were a newish org and thus not have lots of money

MrBulbe [#3]

It is inevitable that Asian teams will become the best in the world. Just like in LoL western teams will celebrate getting into international even playoffs.

Tbh I really do think it's more of a mental thing than a skill thing after a point in time I feel like they just approach sport more positively than the west does

Galactc [#4]

Really I guess I just don't know then we'll enough they're genuinely the only org currently in t1 I had 0 knowledge of before ascension so I assumed they were a newish org and thus not have lots of money

I dont know about 2G either, but i remember after 2G winning ascension BR fans are saying that 2G have ppl investing in them/ having a huge sponser behind them because ppl kept saying that riot will remove them from the league/ or finding the players a new org bc they are broke

MrBulbe [#3]

It is inevitable that Asian teams will become the best in the world. Just like in LoL western teams will celebrate getting into international even playoffs.

we've been hearing this retarded opinion for years and it hasn't happened 😹it's simply a question of how many players are playing the game, the west is nowhere near as interested in league as the asian teams are, while in val both are (at least atm) about equally interested. I can't wait for more of these opinions at the end of this year after asian teams win nothing


yea mayb-



Apac, 2g and SA teams in particular have access to a region where players would be willing to take a massive pay cut to play for an org with no chance of promotion however they gain the exposure and marketability

In emea there’s so many players and so little teams.. this guys are looking at pure profit, and for an academy it’s promotion to their t1 roster or a sale n those ain’t guaranteed

A tonne if potential NA t2 players have an ego, while nice that chance of not playing for ascension is a no no for them…

At the end of the day no result is guaranteed, profit loss etc

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