We are clearly seeing a game of Monsters.
And then... there is the controllers getting rolled between these monsters.
Xenom just needs more time, its clear he is not yet ready to play tier 1 because he has too much ranked habits, give him 1 month and he wont have any, aspas had the same issue when he started but aspas is aspas, but xenom is a AIMER and just has to stop repeeking or peeking while in advantage, give him time and he will surprise you
gambusia1302 [#4]Just wait until Khalil does his annual match mvp
Khaliling time!
That one day where he wakes up playing better than Prime Yay.
It's like he's some type of Escanor of the Seasons.
brdreamer [#2]You want to compare khalil that is almost CEO of Furia playing for years with a guy that just arrived? lol
They are basically at the same level
But once per year Khalil becomes the greatest player in the world, just like Escanor at 12:00