HYUNMIN mad respect for him doing his own translations really cool it'd be great if more players could do this that way things dont get lost in translation (i thought it was free1ing because he played on a chinese team comming in english)
merciless-pity8989-89 [#3]It was HYUNMIN and he was born in the US
Ok that makes so much sense, i tuned in halfway through the interview and he just randomly started speaking perfect American english I was so confused lol
merciless-pity8989-89 [#10]he’s not import, he was just born in NA
dual citizenship right? he’s considered as a resident in korea if i recall correctly
merciless-pity8989-89 [#10]he’s not import, he was just born in NA
He is NA talent. He is NA. He is best DRX plr. He has Gun Blood