Definitive Correct List


Looked through this guys post https://www.vlr.gg/428529/best-regional-role-player-2025 and most of the takes were dogshit sooo...

Definitive Right List

Duelist: T3xture
Sentinel: Meteor
Controller: Mako/Karon
Flex: Forsaken (Not best player, but as a flex bro can literally play anything)
Initiator: Art/Kushy (Just wait for Kickoff I swear they will farm, also Pacific does not have many star Initiator players)
IGL: Munchkin (Got them their only trophy)

Duelist: aspas (Do not sleep on Jawgemo though)
Sentinel: Leaf/Tex (Less left so rip)
Controller: Valyn (Perfect player imo)
Flex: Mazino
Initiator: JonahP/ N4RRATE
IGL: Valyn >Johnqt

Duelist: Derke (Ange1 on Jett)
Sentinel: Less/Alfajer
Controller: Suygetsu (Trust, also Ange1)
Flex: Chronicle (Trophies)
Initiator: Leo
IGL: Ange1

Duelist: Zmjjkk
Sentinel: Chichoo
Controller: Smoggy
Flex: idk ngl, Biank ig
Initiator: S1mon/Nobody
IGL: Ange1

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