xineFso [#2]Where is the haters now????
buddy it's made in thailand, not team heretics calm down. he just went negative on neon.
1243 [#3]buddy it's made in thailand, not team heretics calm down. he just went negative on neon.
he also dropped 31/9 on Raze so idk what ur tryna say.
snowconedeity [#5]he also dropped 31/9 on Raze so idk what ur tryna say.
you act like he's dropping 30 kills every map, fun fact this is the first time primmie has ever dropped 30 in game, IN OFFSEASON LMAO AGAINST TIER 2 THAILAND team who can't qualify for ascension. primmie has gone negative most of the maps he's played.
1243 [#6]you act like he's dropping 30 kills every map, fun fact this is the first time primmie has ever dropped 30 in game, IN OFFSEASON LMAO AGAINST TIER 2 THAILAND team who can't qualify for ascension. primmie has gone negative most of the maps he's played.
you say this as if he’s had a long spanning career dude hasn’t even played valorant for 6 months. He’s clearly insanely gifted and mechanically better than 99.9% of people so idk what more you want from him rn he’s still learning game sense
1243 [#3]buddy it's made in thailand, not team heretics calm down. he just went negative on neon.
we're gonna pretend hereshits is better than Made in Thailand 💀
snowconedeity [#7]you say this as if he’s had a long spanning career dude hasn’t even played valorant for 6 months. He’s clearly insanely gifted and mechanically better than 99.9% of people so idk what more you want from him rn he’s still learning game sense
he's not mechanically better than other pros, sure he's better than 95% of the people who play this game
1243 [#9]he's not mechanically better than other pros, sure he's better than 95% of the people who play this game
dude do you watch his aim? also he’s gone mostly positive in series (14/10). He’s played 4 officials in non-off season. and he’s 100% mechanically better than most pros
snowconedeity [#10]dude do you watch his aim? also he’s gone mostly positive in series (14/10). He’s played 4 officials in non-off season. and he’s 100% mechanically better than most pros
"did you watch his aim" is the only argument primmie glazers make.
only thing you base this stupid take on is YOUR EYETEST. sure watch some more ranked clips, im sure pr0mm0e will beat MITH someday.
babysasuke [#8]we're gonna pretend hereshits is better than Made in Thailand 💀
hey man, i like RieNs, wo0t if I speak im in big trouble.