neon slide accuracy

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I personally think they shouldve kept the first bullet accuracy but then just a drastic accuracy drop off after the first bullet
So actually mechanically good players will still get rewarded for headshotting but dogshit players cant just slide and spray 4 bodyshots which doesnt really take any skill


I think the changes are fine, they could’ve kept the accuracy, removed the 2nd charge and kill reset. Just like they did with Iso shield. But Iso is the worst agent in the game again so I see why they didn’t want to repeat that


Removing kill reset would just make it a one use ability, which is odd for a signature ability. Atleast iso could refresh the ability by tapping heads
I do think that 2 stuns to begin with are a lot, they shouldve just left it as 1 stun with refresh

And yeah as said the accuracy should only be 100% for the first bullet to award actually skilled players

You dont know how fun it was to watch primmie just destroy people mid neon slide

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