mf he's like tier 3 indo, at this point just take lilo as smoker, coms indo and let this ddd farm vcl sa
what the hell boom doing importing raw talent
wkwkwkw b aja njir, mending sscary
jauh bngt, boom mana ada budget buat sscary
chemistry n comms above all 💯
Give him time Didn't he top frag last time he played for you guys?
no, and we're not fucking face ray4c 100 times in vct pacific
chill brooo he's nervous his boss' right behind him
Don't be like GE fans lah whining everytime
bro had 21 assists 1st map wth you yapping
pancing terus bang
masalahnya gini. Ini boom ngecomms pake indo apa inggris?kalo ngecomms pake inggris demi seorang dos si ga worth ya hrsnya...
Chill out It’s showmatch and both teams trying to get that synergy. Remember boom early 2023 with zesbeew became like this too. They will be good on time.
entah ini ragebait atau lu ga sabaran sih wkwk
kalo emang import yang bisa ngecarry lahh kek kristal.. bukan jadi beban cok -_-
nahh ini, nanggung amat ambil slot import tapi gak jago wkwkwk
tolol bet, map 1 dah se gg itu masih aja minta lebih
map 1 dia ga kill berapa round? nonton ga?
bacot duluan ya sebelum match kelar
Wkwkw obvious bait
liat aja history nya
Chill bro. Harusnya sudah tau lah kualitas Dosi gimana. Dia sama sultan di Ascension itu ngefarming lawan SPG