but India 10 ping vs 50 -60 ping Singapore( compi ranked demons team)
What website is that?
some local Indian twitch like website
lets see if Indian teams are overrated or not
U can't determine if a country is overrated based on that
not me but others im on ur side dewd
wtf team xo not 4th best team now
acc to vlr.gg im saying
you cant judge indian teams on the 4th placed team lol , imo only the top 2 teams from India Global Esports and Velocity Gaming are good in international competition
im not judging im saying in others point of view im with u brotha
SKrossi ez 50 kills every game
humm interesting...
Louvre is actually SGP's 2nd best team and SGP's best team if we consider all the players to be from SGP because PRX only got 2 SGP players.