L + jokes on you, we didn't lose to the emus, you guys did + Counter counter counter counter ration + I also touch grass everyday + I have a plant in my room + ROFLMAO
L + jokes on you we didn't lose to the emus, you guys did + Counter counter counter counter counter ratio + i touch grass 24/7 + i have a tree in my house + KEKW
L + L + Jokes on you, we didn't lose to the emus, you guys did + Counter counter counter counter counter ratio + I smoke grass + I am nature = Common Poiz Counter Antonym W
L+ L + L + jokes on you, we didn't lose to the emus, you guys did + ratio by Mark Mcgowan + Counter counter counter counter counter counter ratio + I eat grass + I live in the jungle = Common Gambit bandwagoner counter counter Antonym W + W
4^L + L, L + Fuck the Emus + Ratio by ScoMo + Counter Countering Opposite RetnuoC Ratio + I AM NATURE + I burnt the Jungle = Common C9 Fan L + Opposite W = Epic Defeat Royale
L*5 +L +Become the Emu + Ratio by WA + counter the countering opposite RetnouC ratio + I AM THE UNIVERSE + I burned your house= VERY common Gambit dickrider L + Opposite opposite W = SUPER EPIC DEFEAT ROYALE