Riot master plan

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They have made a game with a lower skill ceiling as compared to cs. This means that worst regions like jp/kr won't get blown out of the water by NA/Eu teams, there by increasing the involvement of regions like Korea and Japan which had non-existent csgo scenes.
Nearly as big brain as FNS master plan.


werent u on hltv? i remember u with liquid flair


“Lower skill ceiling” maybe in gunplay, but if you take abilities into account the skill ceiling is actually much higher

streamratings [#3]

“Lower skill ceiling” maybe in gunplay, but if you take abilities into account the skill ceiling is actually much higher

Maybe I but like knowing where opponents are doesn't really help the skill ceiling plus having smokes that will never miss also don't help the skill ceiling

Big_Floppa [#4]

Maybe I but like knowing where opponents are doesn't really help the skill ceiling plus having smokes that will never miss also don't help the skill ceiling

True, I’d say it’s a lower mechanical skill ceiling but much higher game sense/strategy ceiling

streamratings [#3]

“Lower skill ceiling” maybe in gunplay, but if you take abilities into account the skill ceiling is actually much higher

Why much higher? U game is extremely limited by the agents u are playing, look last map 100t game vs ascend, they made the same tactic 5 consecutive rounds and won all of them because there's nothing that ascend could do to counter it.

Most of the rounds the attack team smoke/flash the shit out of the site and plant without a single bullet being fired, then u have a 5vs5 or 5vs4 retake almost every round.

streamratings [#5]

True, I’d say it’s a lower mechanical skill ceiling but much higher game sense/strategy ceiling

Game sense I agree strategy I wouldn't say it's strategically has a higher skill ceiling cuz cs even after 10 years is still devoloping and there are newer metas forming constantly maybe with more time valorant could also do that

Wwpcc [#6]

Why much higher? U game is extremely limited by the agents u are playing, look last map 100t game vs ascend, they made the same tactic 5 consecutive rounds and won all of them because there's nothing that ascend could do to counter it.

Most of the rounds the attack team smoke/flash the shit out of the site and plant without a single bullet being fired, then u have a 5vs5 or 5vs4 retake almost every round.

really tough to hold sites when an enemy just executes on you

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