get rid of: -ban -governor -Crws -JitboyS
Prospective Roster
Primmie (duelist) sScary (smokes [IGL]) alerT (sentinel) PTC (flashes) cgrs (recon init+ gekko)
talon is broke
nah just build a full thai roster around primmie, jitboys and crws
crws can't shoot back
still a decent igl tho
i got every possibility..
Eng Speaking: Primmie, JitBoyS, sScary, b0n, Dos9/Sultan
Thai Speaking: Primmie, PTC, sScary, JitBoyS, Sephiroth/GarnetS
AC: Crws (he is willing)
in the eng case I would rather take both dos9 andd sultan over ban
both cant come, import rules
how is that so, kazakhistan is in central asia, it's an asian country
there r numerous thread on this topic, but in short: RIot Considers it in EU coz of ex CIS system
that's is a big fuck up on riots end
someone wanna bring up what happened when we put sscary on igl