If you're watching sen vs c9, you know which one im talking about
That was one of the biggest tosses i think i've seen
the A to C to B to C round? it wasnt even that bad if you consider the timing zellsis thought he had. He had thought he'd isolated the entire of C9 onto A and C, b/c he heard one or two running deep CT towards C, he had no clue v1c was behind him, and heard the last two heaven iirc. in the moment it made sense to fight B with zellsis
Lailaic [#2]the A to C to B to C round? it wasnt even that bad if you consider the timing zellsis thought he had. He had thought he'd isolated the entire of C9 onto A and C, b/c he heard one or two running deep CT towards C, he had no clue v1c was behind him, and heard the last two heaven iirc. in the moment it made sense to fight B with zellsis
I'm no pro obviously but if they only had mound control I would get the decision but having C, breaking trip and cam. I think you get the bomb down and let zellsis play his own timings, instead of all doubling back. Even if zellsis goes down you still have 4v3 on site, I think trying to keep all 5 alive costed them a very crucial round
eric_5008 [#3]I'm no pro obviously but if they only had mound control I would get the decision but having C, breaking trip and cam. I think you get the bomb down and let zellsis play his own timings, instead of all doubling back. Even if zellsis goes down you still have 4v3 on site, I think trying to keep all 5 alive costed them a very crucial round
thing is, they have no info other than the stuff zellsis is hearing. while on the other hand C9 has the info that they have broken all the cypher util on C, and iirc they tapped cam and saw 3. so from SEN's POV, they know 2 are C CT, 2 are A CT, and 1 is unknown. its more likely for the last guy to be C CT b/c he'd be far enough away that zellsis can't hear him, so B is technically the weaker site, AND c9 currently know at least 3 are C and could easily flood retake within 10 seconds or so. i dont think going B is great, but its not like (based on what they knew) C was much better.