Mwzera isn't a good player.

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I know the title says that Mwzera isn't a good player but let me explain.

yes, he was good during the prime of valorant when there was nothing but trash players and he would kill everyone but u gotta admit there are people that are so much better but aren't claimed as the best due to their lack of plays back in old valorant. if i went back in time to 2017 fortnite and started shitting on kids with modern mechanics that have been learned throughout years of building tactics i would be called the best too. there are tons of people who top Mwzera such as florescent, eggster, and quite literally myself. Mwzera's retirement is honestly a relief to me as he will no longer be the face of brazilian valorant which is a position he didn't deserve. he dragged his pro team furia down because he couldnt keep up with modern gameplay tactics. he was stuck in the past of his old valorant games where he would shit on new-comers and post it on his twitch where thousands of Mwzera stans would praise those clips more then their new born sons.

i like to compare him to the fortnite player Ninja. was the best during his prime because everyone didn't know any strategies, became the face of fortnite, lost interest in the game as he couldnt perform as well anymore due to players advancing, and comes back to the game just to uphold a title that is no longer his nor deserves to be in his hands. Mwzera, just like Ninja, is washed and it's unfortunate to say. I know we all love him and how good he was but we got to be realistic and actually put a deserving person on this title. I have some suggestions in mind but i will keep that to myself as I feel people won't appreciate my suggestions.

thank you for reading


florescent 😹😹😹😹


he isnt hot enough to be a good duelist

Azzelastia [#2]

florescent 😹😹😹😹

what about eggster

laifu [#4]

what about eggster

Stopped readin there.
Fraudster 😹😹😹😹


Holy shit ur fanned out lmfaoo

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