truth about valorant community

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when rocket got exposed, everyone was fucking dogging him and telling him to leave the internet. now that he actually is gone everyone is defending him. this shit is so fucking two faced it pisses me off. you can say "but it wasn't the people clowning him that doxxed him". no, but bc people, including pros, dogged on him even after the fact so the gremlins thought "oh yeah it'll be funny if we make him ACTUALLY leave". this would not have happened if so many people clowned on him

also, the spreadsheets aren't that deep. i completely understand that it could affect players mental/contracts, but at the end of the day it's just something fun to see whether a potential roster could happen. seeing aspas possibly going to drg is funny and ngl it keeps me entertained during the off//season. ALSO HE'S FUCKING 16/17. NOT A FUCKING GROWN ASS ADULT. he's just trying to pursue something that he enjoys and no one, regardless of age, should be receiving death threats over a fucking valorant spreadsheet

also i personally found them helpful because it's hard trying to keep up with all of the rosters

tldr: val community is two faced as shit and i hate how everyone switches sides depending on what the major figures say


i too liked the spreadsheets, val community is dog water


not just the valorant community, this is the norm on the internet in general which is a problem


Death threats a little much. I would understand people dogging on him. But like I said death threats a little much.


tbf the theorycrafting is harmless
ppl care way too much about these spreadsheets, apparently they cant understand the fact that it isn't gospel
it's depressing to see that people can be like "i dont like this guy, time to commit a crime and deface him"
saves ppl scrawling vlr and liqui and twitter on their own
he tried his best and got repaid in harassment buuuut i suppose thats how the internet goes


welcome to the internet

ParisVLR [#4]

Death threats a little much. I would understand people dogging on him. But like I said death threats a little much.

i mean dogging on him like once or twice fine, but literally EVERY comment would be "mans just guessing" "stop making spreadsheets lil bro" etc

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