Flor tracker

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Can any drop her tracker?




all 25 games she's played. where is she

DownLoad_AimLabs [#2]


Is this good enough to be in MiBR atleast?
They were anyways signing some NA plyrs ig

kamisavitar [#4]

Is this good enough to be in MiBR atleast?
They were anyways signing some NA plyrs ig

Flor needs to prove herself in t2 then maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to trial her


def not franchising ready, but I honestly believe if she is given a chance to trial for some serious tier 2 orgs then she would have a good chance

laifu [#6]

def not franchising ready, but I honestly believe if she is given a chance to trial for some serious tier 2 orgs then she would have a good chance

3rd go

laifu [#6]

def not franchising ready, but I honestly believe if she is given a chance to trial for some serious tier 2 orgs then she would have a good chance

not rly tbh she needs to qual imo, because she lost to t2 teams in round of 16 or 32 not sure(this was last yr)

DownLoad_AimLabs [#8]

not rly tbh she needs to qual imo, because she lost to t2 teams in round of 16 or 32 not sure(this was last yr)

well flor has the same stats against T3 players and GC players, also this is a team game she can't just solo carry her way into challengers with SR, she's too good for that team and everyone else on that team can't compare to flor mechanically other than sarah

laifu [#9]

well flor has the same stats against T3 players and GC players, also this is a team game she can't just solo carry her way into challengers with SR, she's too good for that team and everyone else on that team can't compare to flor mechanically other than sarah

yes that is why i didnt say SR specifically I said Flor only, because ik the caliber of gc players

laifu [#9]

well flor has the same stats against T3 players and GC players, also this is a team game she can't just solo carry her way into challengers with SR, she's too good for that team and everyone else on that team can't compare to flor mechanically other than sarah

double post smh

DownLoad_AimLabs [#8]

not rly tbh she needs to qual imo, because she lost to t2 teams in round of 16 or 32 not sure(this was last yr)

There is a huge skill diff b/w Flor and her teammates

kamisavitar [#12]

There is a huge skill diff b/w Flor and her teammates

yes so she should join a t2 or make her own team, I nvr said for her to play with SR

DownLoad_AimLabs [#5]

Flor needs to prove herself in t2 then maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to trial her

MIBR don't have an infinite amount of time to try out every random T3/T4 player out there. They should be looking at signing some of the LOUD players that want to leave or some of the T2 ascension talent.

lollollollol [#14]

MIBR don't have an infinite amount of time to try out every random T3/T4 player out there. They should be looking at signing some of the LOUD players that want to leave or some of the T2 ascension talent.

there is like 3-4 months b4 the season starts, next time think before u post something as retarded as this

kamisavitar [#12]

There is a huge skill diff b/w Flor and her teammates

Huge skill diff between Flor and her teammates doesn't mean she's good enough for T2. Just means her teammates definitely aren't.

DownLoad_AimLabs [#15]

there is like 3-4 months b4 the season starts, next time think before u post something as retarded as this

3-4 months is not enough time to trial every random T3/T4 player out there dumbass. MIBR can be using this time to get good players quick and prep hard for next season so they start off strong instead of wasting their time trialing players that are extremely unlikely to be anything other than a walking ult orb against T1 teams.

lollollollol [#17]

3-4 months is not enough time to trial every random T3/T4 player out there dumbass. MIBR can be using this time to get good players quick and prep hard for next season so they start off strong instead of wasting their time trialing players that are extremely unlikely to be anything other than a walking ult orb against T1 teams.

flor is alr an established player that can preform on LAN not many t1 players can do that and shes the face of NA GC

laifu [#6]

def not franchising ready, but I honestly believe if she is given a chance to trial for some serious tier 2 orgs then she would have a good chance

serious T2 orgs are not going to waste their time with hardstuck T3/T4 players. Best strategy for them is just to pick up teams that qualify through open quals and prove they're actually good or build off of their previous roster if they had one and just replace the people who were dragging the team.

DownLoad_AimLabs [#18]

flor is alr an established player that can preform on LAN not many t1 players can do that and shes the face of NA GC

Performing on LAN against GC players is not impressive. Any T1 player can do that easily if they got to face horrible GC players instead of the actually talented T1 players they face.

Also being the face of NA GC is irrelevant given how bad those players are.

lollollollol [#16]

Huge skill diff between Flor and her teammates doesn't mean she's good enough for T2. Just means her teammates definitely aren't.

flor shits on tier 3 players in non GC tournaments so at this point what makes her not ready for tier 2? There are many people who say she has the mechanical skill to keep up

lollollollol [#20]

Performing on LAN against GC players is not impressive. Any T1 player can do that easily if they got to face horrible GC players instead of the actually talented T1 players they face.

Also being the face of NA GC is irrelevant given how bad those players are.

are u up fragging ur posts? cause a second after its posted it spawns in with a up frag?

laifu [#21]

flor shits on tier 3 players in non GC tournaments so at this point what makes her not ready for tier 2? There are many people who say she has the mechanical skill to keep up

If mechanical skill was the only thing you needed to be in T1/T2, then any random radiant would be in T1/T2 lol.

lollollollol [#23]

If mechanical skill was the only thing you needed to be in T1/T2, then any random radiant would be in T1/T2 lol.

Like I have mentioned before, she puts up the same stats in T3 tournaments against the best zoomers in NA and in GC, your not making a good argument here

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