New Agent Suggestion Idea. Name: "YAP"

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Introducing.. Y.A.P
(You All Pay) - quick little hidden message similar to KAYO which mean Kill All Your Opponents if you didn't know already

I’ve got an idea I've been thinking about recently and decided to make a VLR account to gain traction on the idea and get the thoughts from the Valorant community. this cool idea is for a new Valorant agent! The agent is called Y.A.P, and the ultimate ability is "English or Spanish." When the ultimate is activated, the voice line would yell going, "ENGLISH. OR SPANISH!" and it force everyone on the enemy team to stop move. If anyone them try to move, they take a huge amount of damage and die. I've thinking about this because of the popular TikTok trend "English or Spanish" where an guy goes up to people and asks them a simple question, English or Spanish, and the which upon answering he will introduce an following question in the language that they chosen that says. "Whoever moves... is GAY" and when he says this they basically battle to see who can go the furthest without moving so they don't want to be called gay. I feel like the agent could be an great way to lock down an site or set up a big play without worry about enemies running away while also adding a bit of modern humor in the mix.

I was also thinking about other abilities YAP could have that tie into this idea. Maybe they could have an ability that temporarily scrambles enemy communications or forces them to see fake information on their minimap. Another ability could make it so that enemies can’t use their abilities for a short period of time, maybe the voice line for this one goes "WHOEVER USES ABILITIES.. IS GAY!" or maybe even a smaller ability that removes enemies weapons for a small period of time similar to the new vyse ultimate which the voice line for this one would be "WHOEVER SHOOTS.. IS GAY!". It could great to see some creative and interesting plays with these abilities which would force the enemy to make tough decisions while also making it funny for the opposing team.

What do you guys thinks?


Babysuke alt account


unrelated but ironically kayo has a voiceline where it goes yoru is dead but it sounds like yoru is gay


"fearthedarkk"💀💀💀 delete the browser bro

smthlikeyou11 [#3]

unrelated but ironically kayo has a voiceline where it goes yoru is dead but it sounds like yoru is gay

Is he tho

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