Lose Less RR

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Does Riot ever plan on adding a system where if someone has been detected afk for over 40% of a match, that team can lose less RR. Just find it kind of crazy how you can do a whole game with 3 other people and lose 20+. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but if someone can give an honest answer on why this should/shouldn’t be implemented I will appreciate it.


fr, they should add the same system the have in league where if someone on ur team is detected AFK u lose 50% less points

SunnyFromVLR [#2]

fr, they should add the same system the have in league where if someone on ur team is detected AFK u lose 50% less points

True, It’s quite frustrating. Because AFKs are getting more and more common. It’s at least one every 2-3 games.

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