aspas no flashes comp?

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If LEV wanted aspas to play entry more they would've had more comps with flashes in them


I think the reason why they opt for harbor is because mazino isn’t as good on kayo

catNmouse [#2]

I think the reason why they opt for harbor is because mazino isn’t as good on kayo

I agree.

catNmouse [#2]

I think the reason why they opt for harbor is because mazino isn’t as good on kayo

They only run the harbor on Icebox and Abyss, both maps that struggle with securing plant and defusing it. Most other teams would run the Gekko for this but LEV’s Gekko player also happens to be their primary sentinel. Those two maps also heavily benefit from double smokes since their chokes aren’t as small, making them both easy to entry through and hard to stall.

Mazino has played Kayo on Ascent to much success and on breeze to a bit less. It’s definitely not his best agent because they had Kingg on it back in Kickoff and I’d say their shift to deadlock on Ascent probably reinforces that.

Mazino’s roles on each Map:

  • Ascent: Deadlock
  • Icebox: Harbor
  • Abyss: Harbor
  • Bind: Skye
  • Haven: Breach
  • Sunset: Breach
  • Lotus: Breach

Imo, Aspas plays like he doesn’t trust his team though and it’s not really because of a lack of supportive utility.

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