I queue into a game having high hopes ready to win --> 2 teammates leave mid game --> MMVP --> -21rr --> win +16 or something ridicilous this game is so fucking shit its insane
nah i think the games good
i cant wait to play ranked tonight ^-^
Calm down
this was a reasonable crashout you would snap too if 2 of ur teammates leave at round 2
Bro this shit lowkey happening to me every game but the 0rr thing is saving me from deranking lmao
i feel you man
your mmr is fucked, game doesnt think you belong in the rank you're in
playing a second account to get back up to immortal again before going back to my main and im losing 12-16rr in ascendant while gaining 22-28rr
also depends on your performance that game, enemy rank, teammate's ranks etc.
ive been asc3-immo for the last 2 years, this mmr is just pure bullshit and ridicilous but it is what it is maybe i just have to lock in