
Need help (serious)

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AITA for Shooting My Friend Over 'Hawk Tuah'? I (28M) have this friend, Mike (30M), who's always been into internet culture and memes. Recently, he got super into this phrase "Hawk Tuah" after it went viral. At first, it was funny, and we'd all laugh about it, but then Mike started saying it all the time. Like, every other sentence was "Hawk Tuah." Last weekend, we were at a BBQ with friends, and Mike was on a roll. Every time there was a lull in the conversation, or someone said something remotely funny, he'd chime in with "Hawk Tuah." It was getting old, but I tried to brush it off. Then, during a game of beer pong, Mike missed a shot, and instead of just saying "Oops" or something normal, he yelled "Hawk Tuah!" so loud that everyone stopped and stared. I could feel my patience wearing thin, but I kept quiet. The night went on, and he kept at it. Every. Single. Time. Finally, during a quiet moment when we were all just enjoying the fire, Mike, out of nowhere, shouts "Hawk Tuah!" for no reason. That was it for me. I snapped. I stood up, pointed at Mike, and yelled, "If you say 'Hawk Tuah' one more time, I swear, I'll lose it!" Everyone was shocked, and Mike, thinking it was still funny, said, "Hawk Tuah?" with a grin. I saw red. In a moment of sheer, inexplicable madness, I grabbed a nearby water gun, which unbeknownst to me, had been replaced with a real gun as part of a prank gone horribly wrong. I aimed and shot. The sound was deafening, and for a moment, time stood still. Mike slumped over, and there was a collective gasp. I dropped the gun, realizing what I had done. The party turned into chaos; people were screaming, some were calling 911, and others were just frozen in shock. The police arrived, and I was taken into custody. Now, I'm awaiting trial, and my friends are understandably horrified. Some say Mike was being annoying, but no one thinks my reaction was justified. What do I do now?


-1 frag


The Roman Empire ruled the Mediterranean and much of Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. The Romans conquered most of this during the Republic, and it was ruled by emperors following Octavian's assumption of effective sole rule in 27 BC. The western empire collapsed in 476 AD, but the eastern empire lasted until the fall of Constantinople in 1453.By 100 BC, Rome had expanded its rule to most of the Mediterranean and beyond. However, it was severely destabilized by civil wars and political conflicts, which culminated in the victory of Octavian over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, and the subsequent conquest of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. In 27 BC, the Roman Senate granted Octavian overarching military power (imperium) and the new title of Augustus, marking his accession as the first Roman emperor. The vast Roman territories were organized into senatorial provinces, governed by proconsuls who were appointed by lot annually, and imperial provinces, which belonged to the emperor but were governed by legates. The first two centuries of the Empire saw a period of unprecedented stability and prosperity known as the Pax Romana (lit. 'Roman Peace'). Rome reached its greatest territorial extent under Trajan (r. 98–117 AD), but a period of increasing trouble and decline began under Commodus (r. 180–192). In the 3rd century, the Empire underwent a 50-year crisis that threatened its existence due to civil war, plagues and barbarian invasions. The Gallic and Palmyrene empires broke from the state away and a series of short-lived emperors led the Empire, which was later reunified under Aurelian (r. 270–275). The civil wars ended with the victory of Diocletian (r. 284–305), who set up two different imperial courts in the Greek East and Latin West. Constantine the Great (r. 306–337), the first Christian emperor, moved the imperial seat from Rome to Byzantium in 330, and renamed it Constantinople. The Migration Period, involving large invasions by Germanic peoples and by the Huns of Attila, led to the decline of the Western Roman Empire. With the fall of Ravenna to the Germanic Herulians and the deposition of Romulus Augustus in 476 by Odoacer, the Western Empire finally collapsed. The Eastern Roman Empire survived for another millennium with Constantinople as its sole capital, until the city's fall in 1453. Due to the Empire's extent and endurance, its institutions and culture had a lasting influence on the development of language, religion, art, architecture, literature, philosophy, law, and forms of government across its territories. Latin evolved into the Romance languages while Medieval Greek became the language of the East. The Empire's adoption of Christianity resulted in the formation of medieval Christendom. Roman and Greek art had a profound impact on the Italian Renaissance. Rome's architectural tradition served as the basis for Romanesque, Renaissance and Neoclassical architecture, influencing Islamic architecture. The rediscovery of classical science and technology (which formed the basis for Islamic science) in medieval Europe contributed to the Scientific Renaissance and Scientific Revolution. Many modern legal systems, such as the Napoleonic Code, descend from Roman law. Rome's republican institutions have influenced the Italian city-state republics of the medieval period, the early United States, and modern democratic republics.


Fuck u




Hawk tuah

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