70% of the games feel like players who have no idea what the fuck is going on(potentially account buying), 5% of the games are players with trigger bot(how do i know this? theyre insane aim doesn't attribute to their game sense, had a clove who was insanely 1 tapping run from ascent bottom mid through B and flanked us in spawn 1 second into the pistol round. https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/840a26e7-c155-4997-888f-51e8e4fa75b0 round 13 clove. whats even more funny is jett saw this and typed it in chat 💀 ). the other 25%? normal valorant.
I think this is all due to the player base rising and shit players account buying, there is no way i have to micro manage my clove to play B every round so they can smoke both sites. it just gets repetitive, im not even playing the game for fun anymore.