Katsumi deleted the tweet

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Lmfao no way
The fuck is she even doing
I wanted the drama come on now 😔


bro has nothing else useful to do



We are literally vlr users, anoymouse


what did the tweet say?


Something something
I didn't cheat etc etc
We weren't dating back then, I broke up due communication problems
The regular



“I want to clarify that I didn’t cheat, I did not pursue anything romantic with another person during our relationship or any other relationship. At the time of my breakup with Bob, I had never even had ONE conversation outside of Valorant with the person she believes I cheated with.

As for my ex, this was over 2 years ago and Bob knew the whole time when we were together and exactly when I ended things with him. Bob was ALSO in a long term relationship. We weren’t anything beyond friends during that time.

I explained all of these things to her privately over the months after our breakup, and we had extensive conversations about my reasonings for ending things. I also asked her many times not to tweet about me. Eventually, I was the one who cut off all contact between us because I felt like our communication was only making things worse. She made this tweet only days later, and I had to choose between defending myself, or turning the most private, intimate details of my life into a public forum / debate. I chose to accept whatever judgment everyone made and try to keep moving forward with my life. If she needed to publicly talk about our situation in order to heal, I could accept that. But to me, continuing to post about me doesn’t feel like healing, it feels like trying to expose and hurt me. I feel like the truth is being twisted, and I’m really scared to talk about it because it’s coming from the person who I exposed my whole heart to for two years.

I understand I have not been a perfect person. I have so many regrets of the decisions I’ve made in the past. Especially following this breakup, I realized so many things I need to do differently and how much work I need to put in in order to have a relationship which is real, healthy, and permanent which is really, really what I want. Especially now :( I quit competing officially weeks ago, but I have been in the process of it for months. All I want is to focus on navigating my life post-Valorant, and I regret so much that this is the note that things are being left on. I don’t even know what to say really, just that all I wanted was for things to be kept off of social media and turned into public drama. I will gladly talk or answer questions privately from anyone who knows me”


👍(I don't really give af about this drama)

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