all honesty

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no win is ever a fluke, every tournament winner is legit. its a game of form and if a team is dogshit all year but happens to be the best in form at one event and wins it, it is not a fluke. Respect all winners please, no more fluke threads!


zeta top 3 and t1 qualifying to shanghai is extremely mickey mouse other than that i agree

you could argue t1 had a good showing vs g2 and they should’ve won that game but ehh


if you think any win/run is a fluke then you probably just wish the same 5 teams won everything over and over again while the rest never make it big

everyone wants storylines but no one wants to respect them when they actually happen

shrike- [#3]

if you think any win/run is a fluke then you probably just wish the same 5 teams won everything over and over again while the rest never make it big

everyone wants storylines but no one wants to respect them when they actually happen

i like seeing multiple teams take the top spot. i was so happy when fnatic didn’t win champs lol

shrike- [#3]

if you think any win/run is a fluke then you probably just wish the same 5 teams won everything over and over again while the rest never make it big

everyone wants storylines but no one wants to respect them when they actually happen

I agree, its not fun watching the same team dominate every single year. there is no such thing as a fluke win or run, even if it was a bo1 there is no such thing as a lucky win. If a team can out play you or out perform you, they were and are the better team that day and the better team always wins.

catNmouse [#2]

zeta top 3 and t1 qualifying to shanghai is extremely mickey mouse other than that i agree

you could argue t1 had a good showing vs g2 and they should’ve won that game but ehh

t1 qualifying shanghai was not mickymouse

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