there’s this super cool fan art I saw on twitter and I lost it!!!
It was fan art of the duelists with a champions win sitting on golden chairs in a pentagon shape facing inwards together. The room is dark and there’s only 5 spots of light for each chair.
The shot of the drawing is right behind ACE cned’s back showing his jersey name.
EDG KK and EG Demon1 (with his champs jacket) sitting across each other left and right respectfully staring each other down, but KK is the only one smiling… (they’re pretty much having an aura off)
LOUD aspas and EG Jawgemo are the two farthest from cned and are laughing with each other to compliment their personalities or something? Looked cute!!
Anyways it was a sick ass drawing and I think it was Chinese but I lost it and I can’t find it anymore………..