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Saadhak during his stream mention that he believes that Sacy and Aspas have such a good friendship that he believes they will playing together this coming year.

( https://www.twitch.tv/saadhak/clip/FamousBenevolentCamelPicoMause-Es9Znl4VbANYwMwj?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time )
Translated ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E22LrNHhHyQ )

What could this mean for Americas rosters, well as a Sentinels fan I would love to see the roster stay the same.
I don't think that Sentinels would let go of Zekken so that would mean Sacy would have to be moved over to LEV which I believe would mesh well with the rest of the team.
Now that would mean COM would have to go, which would come as a shock to some after his performance at Champs, but to some wouldn't as he wasn't as consistent during the season.

I think that the best move for COM would be to move to the 100T roster with Boostio, Now you might be thinking wait eeiu had a good season? why replace him? this is where we go back to the open slot on the Sentinels roster.

eeiu has teamed with JohnQT in the past, and been coached by Kaplan in the past so it he would be a perfect fit for the Sentinels roster.

Lastly, where do yall think Derke will go ? C9 might be a whole new roster, there was talk that Icy should be replaced on G2, Team Liquid have struggled the past two years so maybe they are do for a change?

Let me know !!


I speak for the whole fan base when i say we don’t want eeiu to replace ballsacky

boilin_cockroach [#2]

I speak for the whole fan base when i say we don’t want eeiu to replace ballsacky

sen verno
but aint happening

toofan1 [#3]

sen verno
but aint happening

If sacy decided to leave then of course verno would be the best option.
Only IF sacy wants to leave tho

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