The Truth about Aspas

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Not even a GOAT can do miracles.

Even s1mple had to wait for long years until he was champion of Something again, and the dude isn't bad at all.

Champs 22 - Champions
Champs 23 - Top 3
Champs 24 - Top 3

The real talk, EDG and TH were better teams, that's simply It. Aspas is still the Goat, yall are mad because he didn't won due to shit teamates -20 KD.


Idk what even quantifies a goat. People seem to think it just means a duelist. I think we should be categorizing goats by the roles defined within Agent Select: Senti, Duelist, Controller, Initiator.

Ex., for the GOAT Controller, you could argue MaKo pretty well, for Initiator you could argue Leo.

But for best "VALORANT player of all time" you would be looking at someone who plays all roles well. I would say that quality could be attributed to flex players. For example, if f0rsakeN continues to put up decent numbers in his maximized flex role on PRX, he could arguably be the "best VALORANT player of all time" simply because he's able to maintain performance across a wide variety of agents within all classes.

TL;DR: Can't say one person is the goat of valorant, but you can say someone is the Goat Duelist or Goat Initiator

edit: You could even think about subcategories like best Flash Init, best Scan Init, best Wall Controller, etc, but there are a limited number of agents at the moment and I can see that happening when we get to a League-like number of agents

geometrix [#2]

Idk what even quantifies a goat. People seem to think it just means a duelist. I think we should be categorizing goats by the roles defined within Agent Select: Senti, Duelist, Controller, Initiator.

Ex., for the GOAT Controller, you could argue MaKo pretty well, for Initiator you could argue Leo.

But for best "VALORANT player of all time" you would be looking at someone who plays all roles well. I would say that quality could be attributed to flex players. For example, if f0rsakeN continues to put up decent numbers in his maximized flex role on PRX, he could arguably be the "best VALORANT player of all time" simply because he's able to maintain performance across a wide variety of agents within all classes.

TL;DR: Can't say one person is the goat of valorant, but you can say someone is the Goat Duelist or Goat Initiator

edit: You could even think about subcategories like best Flash Init, best Scan Init, best Wall Controller, etc, but there are a limited number of agents at the moment and I can see that happening when we get to a League-like number of agents

you can measure it with results + consistency. Football is a similar example, everyone agrees Messi is the goat, he scores goals, no defender will ever be given the title of goat in football. people like flashy performances, duelists will always be the most talked about when discussing who is the goat of valorant.


aspas got owned by miniboo hes not the goat

Booster [#3]

you can measure it with results + consistency. Football is a similar example, everyone agrees Messi is the goat, he scores goals, no defender will ever be given the title of goat in football. people like flashy performances, duelists will always be the most talked about when discussing who is the goat of valorant.

Ok I guess. Then i would say Aspas is the current goat. but I would say people can still doubt it until a guy who gets that many kills has 2 champions wins with rock solid performance, then its confirmed

geometrix [#5]

Ok I guess. Then i would say Aspas is the current goat. but I would say people can still doubt it until a guy who gets that many kills has 2 champions wins with rock solid performance, then its confirmed

I mean, we as a community will probably never agree on the goat discussion. I too think aspas is the best but it honeslty could be any other player, time will tell I guess

acels [#4]

aspas got owned by miniboo hes not the goat

stfu im the goat


he was shit like the rest of his teammates in lower finals lol


Trash Heretics was not better. They were the luckiest team in the tournament.

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