I can't believe it

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I spent a year waiting for this moment. When edg players all pop off with great utility usage, discipline, and strats. I never doubted them.. Kangkang smoggy chichoo nobody even haodong and now s1mon. They're insane mechanically i can tell when they would pull clutch after clutch. Its surreal to see them win champions holy fk


i’m so happy for them man, i was hoping for G2 but this is phenomenal. So glad every team has lifted a trophy now. This is truly the new era of valorant

snowconedeity [#2]

i’m so happy for them man, i was hoping for G2 but this is phenomenal. So glad every team has lifted a trophy now. This is truly the new era of valorant

yes i'm actually in such a surreal state right now. I always believe in china and edg will go far but to see them actually win in the fashion they did from upper bracket and not choking in the end is crazy.

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