Heretics and Boo

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When u watch interviews and post match feels like Boo is like the father of heretics and the rest feels like chaotic sons every time they say something nd then boo says the opposite and calms everyone down example: woot to riens "we have to think about the opening ceremony" etc etc and 10s later boo says we shouldnt think about useless stuff like social media etc dont waste our energy for things that dont matter, tho they all fit together well + heretics is new but feels like their ceilling is really high. To me Heretics seem like they can strat literally every map every round if they have enough time.

Also i predict 3-2 Banger serie for Heretics this time overcoming their shortcomings.


Boo my goat


Also its so weird the dynamic between his brother Boo like a fooking Wise sage master and miniboo extremely chaotic open and loud SIUUUUUUU

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