Basically haodong was streaming and doing q & a about the team after the EDG 2-1 LEV game
Chat:Are you going to practice icebox?
Haodong: The 9-3 start of the map didnt look so great for us but thats not because we have bad understanding of the map on the attackside. We didnt fix alot of our details and we will be focusing on them. Sometimes we couldnt win pure aim duels but thats from the players (Ourselves). The whole idea is right and we will be fixing our details.
Chat: Fix ur tactics of Abyss mid
Haodong: Abyss is blocked in chat ur not leaking anything
Chat: Thoughts on the difference between lev and th?
Haodong: They are pretty similar but the teams that are the most scary are teams like GENG, but im not saying GENG is perfect
Chat: Why did you lose the first map (Icebox)
Haodong: Its because its shitbox, we werent feeling ourselves, if it is a map like sunset, breeze we are going to feel ourselves (This is a joke btw not an acc thing)
Chat: Kangkang doesnt have discipline after 2+ kills
Haodong: All fps players have that issue, you get one no problem, but if you get 3 u will be feeling urself and its hard for you to calm down. And kangkang is young so this is pretty normal
Chat: Opinions on Aspas performance today
Haodong: I feel like CTM ( C0M, Tex and Mazino ) performed really well against us, it feels like they can just get multi frags in a aim duel. Aspas performed well but not like a superstar