Why sen always seem to run out of steam game 2... same thing happen with EDG..
stellaresca [#3]Lakia “9 kills over 2 maps” of Valorant
nah sen r just the most inconsistent team in vct
Abcdefg [#5]We managed to beat your team in map 2 😁. But yeah, I think it's an endurance thing, they need to work on this fs.
yeah. its like they just become diff team map 2 after getting 5-0 lead like with edg..
Rei5 [#4]When they loose close rounds like if other teams player pulls crazy kills thier mental tanks they need to step it up to win champs
nah if anything i think sen have insanely good mental when it comes to that stuff. It just seems that johnqt sometimes completely runs out of ideas on how to counter the opponents and sen kinda run the same thing over and over, or when they fail to change it up they just never try it again