Vesslan [#4]
Honestly ISO might be a trap rn, so is Clove. Play omen more and play him better, he is too consistent to not pick up. Ditch Astra if you won because you got normal teammates, if you were the goat stick with her. For someone who plays this much Jett you aren't OPing nearly enough. Best not be a duo with two duelists (the reasons are too many and too obvious). If I had to guess I have to say you aren't contributing on initiator is because you aren't familiar enough with them to command your team so practice that aspect (breach on sunset is quite easy).
Thanks for the insights tbh, i enjoy omen alot in ranked and clove too shes decent when solo q, i found astra hella fun back in the day but the tech i used in silver/gold doesnt work anymore in diamond+. as for the jett and not awping its kinda just ping issues and personal preference, (im not insane with it like i used too but im still pretty decent) and initators is kinda just meh for me, i dont like playing them at all unless its kayo on ascent if im filling initiator or playing with my duo. Solo queue initiator filling with the randomness of teammates who dont comm or listen just isnt fun and is hella tilting