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can someone paste the copypasta where one mentions about being in a flight and landing to watch their fav team play (the team is out already)


Savior Of Humanity
Maker Of The Universe
Founder of All Men
Conqueror Of The New Age
Founder Of The Galactic Space
Ray Of Hope In All People
Destroyer Of Galaxies
Entrepreneur Of All Planets
Thanos Reincarnated
Flame Of The Everything
King Of All Kings
God Of All Gods
Grand Ruler Of All
The Chosen Deity
Supreme Leader
The Mighty One
God's Chosen One
God Of Everything
Greatness incarnate
Leader Of All
King Of All Pawns
The Highest One
Top Of The Hierarchy
Founder Of The Pyramids
The Greatest Of All Time
Humbleness Incarnate
Messi's Dad
Lebron's Dad
Muhammad Ali's Dad
The Peace Maker
The Negotiator
Smartest One
Individually Advanced
Technological Warlord
War Starter
Creator Of Everything
The Best
The Kid
The Elder
The Flame
The Wind
Mother Nature
Inventor Of Earth
Above All
The Grand Wizard
Ancient Necromancer
The Legendary Warrior
The Winner
Reality itself
Time Bender
All Foreseeing
The Eye
Watcher Of All
Stormm The Great
Destroyer Of Gorlock
Opposite Of Retard
The Champion
Golden One
Chaos Ender
Iron Man
Absolute Peak Human
The Beast
The Dragon
Punch Of The Fiery Fist Of Fury
The Gold Medalist
Femboy Obliterator


not this bruh


Nie patrzę wstecz, 😎😜😎 patrzę w dół ⬇️⬇️🙄
No bo na szczycie jestem już 🗻⛰️⛰️
Chodzę od rana 🥰🥰😊 w uśmiech ubrana 😀😄😁
Taki mam mood 🦄🦄, kolejna zmiana 🔀⤵️⤴️
Ja to 🤩💖GENZIARA💖🤩, choć taka sama to mam nowy look🥻🆕🎆
Chodzę od rana 🦄🆒😎 w uśmiech ubrana 😊😀😆
Taki mam mood 😊😊🤩💖 , kolejna zmiana 🎇🎊🎉
Ja to 🦄😁GENZIARA🐐🌟, choć taka sama to mam nowy look😎🔛🔝


I was on a date with my girlfriend. She seemed off. I asked her what was wrong, and she replied “Our relationship is amovie”

I burst into tears, our relationship was finished.


Finished means that it had to be going. amovie was never going.


valo2asia tweeted this a couple days ago LOL here u go

Hey guys huge Pacific fan here. Just landed in Seoul and can’t wait to see my Pacific goats destroying everybody. I was just looking at the schedule and couldn’t see any Pacific teams matches listed. Is this a mistake from VLR? I’ll be honest I didn’t even bother watching playoffs cause at least one of them would make it to the INSPIRE Arena


thank you so much


I think Northeption has the concept of "the 5th guy should be the fall guy" or they have a bad scout or the coaches ( both tinder and jaemin respectively) cannot assign the 5th role.

The players I'm talking about is
Maufin, wai , yowamu and tempura and thiefy, but I'm mainly going to talk about yowamu and wai.

Notice how most of them played a different role when joining Northeption.

Let's start with Maufin , tbh I have nothing to say about him lol, he started right from Northeption. If he played more games instead of going back to fortnite I might have something to say about him.
Then let's talk about Wai , the guy spent his time playing duelist ( stats wise on vlr no vods available) and he seems ok . But when he joined Northeption , he played as initiator. And his performance tanked , like so badly.

Next, yowamu the guy is now killing it at bc swell as duelist (occasionally he plays controller). He always played viper/Jett prior to joining Northeption, but when he joined northepion he was stuck playing controller and his performance tanked as well.

Tempura, I think he's just not good , his role is mostly consistent and he played badly with both scarz and northeption.

Thiefy, I think he should find a new team , he juggled every role except controller and somehow he managed to stay afloat. I think he can be a great player frfr.


there are a lot of factors going into why a player performed badly in a team. So pinning all this to just northeption is a bit unfair. But northeption has somehow screwed wai , yowamu and potentially thiefy and I'm starting to get suspicious.

The match quality these players mentioned can be different prior to playing for northeption. Northeption plays in group stage , while the prior teams these players were at is playing in qualifiers. But Wai and Yowamu already looked struggling during qualifiers.

Tldr; if you are a new player in vcj , northeption could potentially make your resume look horrible.( avoid northeption)
But hey this is just a theory , A VCJ THEORY, Thanks for watching


You will never be in a relationship. You have no bitches, you have no charisma. You are a sad incel twisted by parasocial relationships into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “attention” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your lack of social skills behind closed doors.

Girls are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to detect undesirable individuals like you with incredible efficiency. Even incels who “pass” will never appeal to women. Your obsession with anime girls is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a 1/10 home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your heinous body odor.

You will never be happy. You listen to mommy ASMR audios all day and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. You'll be buried, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an incel is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton with a crooked spine.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


Wait I just realised I made one about this wtf it couldve been me all along



Here you go
Unironically forgot I ever made this I think I was stoned and just wrote some waffle
Not even a copypasta

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