About yay ;(

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Yesterday, a post about yay and BLD coach went viral and from what I see through the post is that yay never backed off and decided to play for his team even under such difficult circumstances. He honestly didn't wanted to let the money go waste and from what I assume about yay from that post is that he never took the break even after his coach requested to rest. He wanted to prove us in this particular year 2024 with BLEED that he isn't longer that guy he used to be in DSG.He eventually thought that he would be able to prove himself this year due to scrims performances, but things took a U turn in his life his mental health, his aim and everything about him went downhill. I honestly want him to become that yay in 2021/2022 who went for the head with his chamber's headhunter with his operator shot, who was feared by everybody in that era just because of the nickname given by the fans as aka ," EL DIABLO" !!




Yay is the goat yay in my throat

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