Merc2 [#5]
f4q total round wins in 3 games 42
paper rex 2 games and 46 rounds win
Paper Rex played 2 matches and 5 maps: 0-2 against VS // 1-2 against SMB.
They won 46 rounds and lost 64
Their round win percentage is at 41.8%
F4Q played 4 matches and 10 maps: 0-2 and 1-2 against G2 // 0-2 and 1-2 against SEN
They won 68 rounds and lost 122
Their round win percentage is at 35.7%
G2 + SEN > SMB + VS
So in terms of the statistics, it's fairly even. Make of it what you will. In my opinion, F4Q won tougher maps against tougher teams and thus is my #10 on this list. I would've put Paper Rex higher because of their skill ceiling, but I'm fairly certain both Bren and CR would beat them while they would struggle in a bo3 against F4Q just because of map pools. And for VK, I just put them there because I think they have a ton of potential as well.