champs pickem

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bro this champs is being so unsatisfyingly unpredictable that i think i never ever want to make a pick em ever again,i mean its fair because these are the most stacked playoffs but g2 falling on the first round with heretics and drx on lower seems weird af, even sen on lower seems off af now


my motivation will never leave me, but yeah this champs was impossible to get perfect

i could have 50,000 pick em accounts and have a different result in every one and still not get it


dont worry, SEN will win their match tomorrow Against Fnatic and then to win the whole tournament as promised, LETS GO SEN!!



kanyefan4238173 [#2]

my motivation will never leave me, but yeah this champs was impossible to get perfect

i could have 50,000 pick em accounts and have a different result in every one and still not get it

facts bro this shit was weird im getting a bit more interest because of the stacked lowers but the upper final might be the worst upper final in val history or the best uppers of all time, there is no in-between because edg and lev are looking perfect but they are the kind of teams to get unstable outta nowhere and start losing to the worst teams ever playing braindeadly, i hope im wrong tho but idk why i think any team between drx hrcs sen and fnc seem more capable of winning it all than the teams on uppers i´ve never felt this way before on god and i hope i am wrong because it would be interesting to see any team between those lifting the trophy but idk


Has anyone got 100% pickems for any LAN? It's just too hard to guess every match since we don't know how teams are practicing.

nihso [#5]

Has anyone got 100% pickems for any LAN? It's just too hard to guess every match since we don't know how teams are practicing.

im pretty sure last years tourneys were way more predictable than this year ngl, only exception was champs because of the blg vs nrg tho

koromast [#6]

im pretty sure last years tourneys were way more predictable than this year ngl, only exception was champs because of the blg vs nrg tho

Did anyone expect EG at Tokyo to dominate? I certainly didn't. Also thought PRX were gonna do way worse with CGRS.

nihso [#7]

Did anyone expect EG at Tokyo to dominate? I certainly didn't. Also thought PRX were gonna do way worse with CGRS.

i had prx doing good because they were good with benkai too and watching cgrs play he was very smart, i didnt have edg going very far tho ngl but this time my pickem is pretty much weird af

nihso [#5]

Has anyone got 100% pickems for any LAN? It's just too hard to guess every match since we don't know how teams are practicing.

No, on vlr no one has got perfect in any international. Regionals I never checked

koromast [#4]

facts bro this shit was weird im getting a bit more interest because of the stacked lowers but the upper final might be the worst upper final in val history or the best uppers of all time, there is no in-between because edg and lev are looking perfect but they are the kind of teams to get unstable outta nowhere and start losing to the worst teams ever playing braindeadly, i hope im wrong tho but idk why i think any team between drx hrcs sen and fnc seem more capable of winning it all than the teams on uppers i´ve never felt this way before on god and i hope i am wrong because it would be interesting to see any team between those lifting the trophy but idk

Yeah, unironically lower bracket looks better than uppers. Weirdest event ever for sure

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