100T 2-1 Acend Sen 2-0 Envy Gambit 2-0 VS (VS > GMB COPIUM LMFAO) G2 2-0 KRU
vS > gMb CoPiUm LmFaO
Envy 2-1 sen trust
i trust
It will go to 3 maps no matter who'll win that's for sure
IM really excited for tommorow , now the real real good games start , alot of viewers tuning in rn
I have same as you, but 2-1 VS wins
100T 2-1 Acend SEN 2-1 Envy GMB 2-1 VS G2 2-1 KRU 2 hours of tech pause total 12 hours of valorant
100t 2 - 1 ace sen 0 - 2 envy gambit 2 - 1 vs g2 2 - 0 kru no kappa
i think the vs gambit game could easily go either way, dont know why people think one team will destroy the other lmao
Ascend 2-1 100T Sen 2-1 Envy Gambit 2-1VS G2 2-0 KRU
When will the Pickems going to open toght
so there is no way Crazy Racoon wins tonight?
Gambit 2-1 100thieves 2-0 Sen 2-1 G2 2-0
SEN 2-1 ENVY 100T 2-1 ACE VS 2-1 GMB G2 2-0 KRU
Acend 2-1 100T Envy 2-0 SEN Kru 2-1 G2 Crazy Racoooon 3-0 VS
Ez money
SEN 2-0 ENVY 100T 2-0 ACE VS 2-1 GMB G2 2-1 KRU