G2 serious thread.

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I absolutely hate from the fibre of my bones, the team called G2.

G2, the team who once used to be good when the other teams were burnt out have once again made me ashamed that I am from North America. G2, we bring you with us to this Honorable tournament that myriad of other teams would like to be in, but what do you do? You lose to fucking FNATIC?

They are past their prime, and you guys threw that match?

Absolutely ashamed of G2, I wish they get relocated to China, at least they'll have a similar level of competition.

Why do you qualify to just bring shame upon our region? You bummed out of shanghai, did not bring any sense of accomplishment to our region. Now, you're going back home in a shameful way, losing to fnatic.

You gotta be kidding me, fnatic?

From A frustrated North American,






I absolutely hate from the fibre of my bones, the team called G2.

G2, the team who once used to be good when the other teams were burnt out have once again made me ashamed that I am from North America. G2, we bring you with us to this Honorable tournament that myriad of other teams would like to be in, but what do you do? You lose to fucking FNATIC?

They are past their prime, and you guys threw that match?

Absolutely ashamed of G2, I wish they get relocated to China, at least they'll have a similar level of competition.

Why do you qualify to just bring shame upon our region? You bummed out of shanghai, did not bring any sense of accomplishment to our region. Now, you're going back home in a shameful way, losing to fnatic.

You gotta be kidding me, fnatic?

From A frustrated North American,




Disappointment to the Best Region in the world Americas. If I was G2 I would disband or relegate myself back to T2 where they belong. Regional farmers since 2022. The Guard only were good at Ascension but that is basically a regional since they were up against M80 a lot. Shanghai was a weak tournament without SEN. G2 just absolutely embarrassing to me and my beautiful region. Sadness.

nihso [#4]

Disappointment to the Best Region in the world Americas. If I was G2 I would disband or relegate myself back to T2 where they belong. Regional farmers since 2022. The Guard only were good at Ascension but that is basically a regional since they were up against M80 a lot. Shanghai was a weak tournament without SEN. G2 just absolutely embarrassing to me and my beautiful region. Sadness.

Hopefully they leave our region soon. I don't care, I'm calling riot to get them relocated, enough is enough.



swvyboi1 [#5]

Hopefully they leave our region soon. I don't care, I'm calling riot to get them relocated, enough is enough.



Maybe they can go compete in MENA as they do not deserve the pleasure of practicing and playing against our top notch teams and players.


they can never make me hate you swvyboi1

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