Instead of shitting on Acend or someone else, can we just talk about how good Izzy played, like God dayyum
He came up clutch, great game for him
Izzy usually plays like this anyway. He was one of the many pros in Turkish cs scene which didnt got any chance to show himself. He was godlike in cs too
That clutch was insane
jett diff
No we have a Turkish player to flame here 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
noo they need to shit on every player who loses a match
Ofc they wont talk about the winners when theyre TR team. Just like yesterday.
No, I rooted for SMB since the start of emea quals
izzy insane
Izzy got used to the 0 ping finally and is hitting his shots well
LAN nerves popping off hope they keep it 2nd map
momentum is on their(smb) side. Now, let's see what acend are made of
izzy sheshhhh
Izzy played very well. I think this is going to 3rd map tho as Acend have beaten SMB both times by huge margin