I think aspass is most baiting and non aggressive duelist..
Jingg on sage gives better entry than aspas on Jett
Darkhunter [#4]As usual aspass on Jett watching his team die infront of him
idk last round tex overpeeked and got caught out he was still first but they left him alone
asd7 [#10]Cryo has been playing the exact playstyle but even more bait and lurky for literal years but u guys only complain cuz it’s aspas
i think less people notice with cryo cuz he's always been paired with a teammate that focuses on entries (zekken/asuna)
aspas is the sole duelist on his team and everyone else kinda plays support for him so its def more noticeable
DogeForPres [#12]i think less people notice with cryo cuz he's always been paired with a teammate that focuses on entries (zekken/asuna)
aspas is the sole duelist on his team and everyone else kinda plays support for him so its def more noticeable
I’m not even a big fan of Aspas but on offense he is a consistent and capable entry player and he does entry.
the_invincible49 [#11]Bro its hard to entry as jett vs viper and harbour on the same A site and LEV didn't go B as a starting attack strat so not easy for aspas. Stop being so hard on him guys.
+g2 shuts down superstars duelist like him, happened w kk, keznit in americas and obviously aspas
Kryomeister [#13]No, he played most of rounds in def side in B and G2 went A all rounds, he played retake while his teams was dead already
Don't bother to explain. According to these people, he's only lucky. I wish i was lucky like that so i could retire pretending i was playing esports.
asd7 [#15]I’m not even a big fan of Aspas but on offense he is a consistent and capable entry player and he does entry.
I'm not saying he doesn't but he isn't as entry focused as other duelists cuz he gets value staying alive for post plants