Demon1 has had achieved more than Gambit/M3C
1 Masters win
2nd Place at Champs
never made another LAN
2nd place at Masters
1 Champs win
never made another LAN
sentinelmain377 [#3]Gambit won 2 masters (Masters 1 2021 CIS)
Gambit also clears tf out of Demon1. you sir are a fish
If your gonna count that, Sentinels would be the most successful team with 3 Masters 💀
sentinelmain377 [#3]Gambit won 2 masters (Masters 1 2021 CIS)
Gambit also clears tf out of Demon1. you sir are a fish
sentinels is the greatest team in the history of valorant
widepeepofrosty [#6]sentinels is the greatest team in the history of valorant
Chronicle mogs s0nt0n0ls
sentinelmain377 [#3]Gambit won 2 masters (Masters 1 2021 CIS)
Gambit also clears tf out of Demon1. you sir are a fish
Mb, I forgot gambit has the honorary Team Liquid award for regional success 😂😂😂