Note: This article is a text summary of the Sentinels vs. Gen.G post-match press conference. The full video press conference can be here.

There was plenty of anticipation and attention towards this matchup given that it was pitted between the winners of the last two Masters events. For this occasion, you guys were on the losing end. Just want to ask you in a general sense, what do you think was the biggest issue that affected the team in today's match against Sentinels?

solo: "Overall, I think losing all four pistol rounds would be the most significant factor today."

Although you didn't win today, t3xture finally managed to get an ace on Icebox before elimination. How important was that round for the team's mental?

t3xture: "It was good in the moment, but we lost, so it didn't mean anything."

Was there anything in this matchup that you weren't expecting or was there anything Sentinels did differently from your first matchup that caught you off guard for this match?

solo: "Not really. Nothing in particular. I feel like today, Sentinels played more calmly and more cohesive and well-detailed compared to us. We weren't able to play our game from our side, so I think at the end of the day they were the better team."

What are your reflections on the entire year overall, and what do you think were your biggest takeaways, be it good or bad, that you'll carry from now until the start of next year?

t3xture: "We finished strong this year, having good results. If you start strong, you need to finish stronger, that's what's really important. Because of how Champions ended for us, I think it's a bit of a disappointment when it comes to the whole year in general and how we finished this season. Our main takeaway is that we need to be a stronger team, play more solid Valorant as a team, and make sure to stay focused until the very end."