i'm about to buy it on amazon but some ppl are saying it's unresponsive and slow. should i buy it from the original website or amazon (amazon got fast delivery for me) and did u guys buy it from the site or amazon
scof [#2]Unrelated: i got the g65, for me its better, smaller and cheaper. The same SOCD/DKS thats on the a75 will be added on g65 tomorrow or so. IMO the a75 isnt worth it
As for your question it depends on which ships faster and how fast you want it, either or works the same.
does it have rapid trigger?
omegaishere [#3]some reviews said they couldn't see the rapid trigger feature even tho they updated the software
from what i could tell from the discord that it was still in pretty early beta testing so there were several bugs that have been fixed