its been a year daddy.......

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Yes EMEA has more trophies than NA.

Yes it’s a very unfair comparison because NA doesn’t have 11 teams in the franchising system

The point wasn’t saying you’re wrong. It’s saying your logic is wrong


My logic isn't wrong, to be more precise, your point being its an unfair comparison right because NA has only 5-6 teams in franchising? Ok to even the playing field, before the franchising system, does EMEA has more trophies than NA?


Should we give a fuck about pre-franchising??? That was 2 years ago mate.

In fact, you’re even proving the op’s point. He was talking how EMEA hasn’t won a trophy in a year and you’re bringing up 2 years ago??? Just proves this point that EMEA is washed

I do think EMEA has the best chance at winning champs out of any region, so I’m not saying NA is better I’m just saying your logic is flawed

You walked into the trap I laid out for you


yapping yapping yapping 🥱 EMEA still has more trophies than NA, before and after the franchising system, your reasoning "NA has less teams than EMEA so its unfair to compare the two" is proven to be false and the audacity of saying "you walked into the trap I laid out for you" LMFAO bro how old are you? your argument is trash as fuck, you thought you did something? just because EMEA hasn't won anything this year that means EMEA is washed? see how stupid that sounds? because at the end of the day, we still has more trophies than NA and has the same amount of trophies as Americas. In conclusion, EMEA > NA. Argue with facts, stop embarrassing yourself.



Currently, EMEA is NOT better than NA

That is proven by the fact that in the franchising system, EMEA has 2 trophies and NA has 2 trophies while EMEA has twice the amount of teams. This includes 2023 and 2024. The past 2 years. If the past 2 years don’t represent currently well, then idk what to tell you lil bro

You’re coping by making the debate into an all time thing when it’s still not fair when considering that LITERALLY ONE HALF of “all time”, EMEA has twice as many teams as NA. So even saying EMEA > NA for all of the international era is debatable

This reasoning is just so simple to me it’s clear that you’re so biased you’re never gonna change your point so I’m done debating someone as stubborn as you


Even before the franchising system where NA and EMEA has the same amount of teams, EMEA is still far ahead in terms of trophies LMAO I debunked your argument so hard and you still dare come to me with the same argument? You keep saying I'm dumb, but the only one dumb here is you. You said just because EMEA hasn't won a single international tourney this year means that they are washed? that's like saying Americas are washed in 2023 before Champs. See how dumb it sounds? I've said it before and I'll say it again, argue with facts, biased aside I argued with facts unlike you. So stop embarrassing yourself.


yes NA might have only 6 teams but they still have the same the same skill pool
actually they should be even better since all the greatest players are only split between so few teams


The amount of amazing players that are in NA tier 2 is crazy

I’m fully confident we could have 11 NA trans full of excellent players if budgets didn’t exist

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