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Can someone jst sum up what is happening to drx and which player . Other then prx i am supporting this team


At this point, I think the drama is basically over.

Essentially, a DRX player’s ex-girlfriend said that he:

  1. Had unprotected sex with her. She told him she did not want him to ejaculate inside of her, but he did anyway. Whether this was intentional or accidental is not clear.
  2. Cheated on her.
  3. Generally acted immature/unapologetic.

The ex-girlfriend was also a minor, but this shouldn’t be an issue if the DRX player is who most people think it is.

DRX released a statement saying that they are still investigating and have not yet found any illegal actions to have taken place.

The ex-girlfriend does not appear to be pursuing any legal action, but has asked for a public apology and for the player to be removed from the team.

Noodle [#2]

At this point, I think the drama is basically over.

Essentially, a DRX player’s ex-girlfriend said that he:

  1. Had unprotected sex with her. She told him she did not want him to ejaculate inside of her, but he did anyway. Whether this was intentional or accidental is not clear.
  2. Cheated on her.
  3. Generally acted immature/unapologetic.

The ex-girlfriend was also a minor, but this shouldn’t be an issue if the DRX player is who most people think it is.

DRX released a statement saying that they are still investigating and have not yet found any illegal actions to have taken place.

The ex-girlfriend does not appear to be pursuing any legal action, but has asked for a public apology and for the player to be removed from the team.

Ah thanks for the info man


She wants to ruin his carrier

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