All I know is Ardiis wouldn’t have let that 12-5 happen.
FNS has passed away from old age
Thousands come to his funeral to honor him
Saadhak shows up in a wheelchair to pay respects to his old rival
The funeral attendant tells Saadhak to open the casket to say goodbye
He opens the casket but only a note is left
"I'm not dead. I rotated B. Get owned."
Saadhak yells at Aspas to go grab his Operator
Simp4S0m [#7]???
Punjabi "FNS" Methamphetamine was a Dungeons and Dragons character who rolled a natural 20 on Intelligence and a natural 1 on Aim. After stacking enough points on his Intelligence stat he gained sentience and transcended into our reality, where he has since pursued careers as a professional player of tactical first person shooter "Counter-Strike" and its cartoon sequel "Valarante".
joemama228 [#4]FNS has passed away from old age
Thousands come to his funeral to honor him
Saadhak shows up in a wheelchair to pay respects to his old rival
The funeral attendant tells Saadhak to open the casket to say goodbye
He opens the casket but only a note is left
"I'm not dead. I rotated B. Get owned."
Saadhak yells at Aspas to go grab his Operator
W copypasta